If you desire unpar­al­leled bliss and a true con­nec­tion free from com­pli­ca­tion, let me be your erotic muse … your sen­sual guide to pas­sion and ful­fill­ment. I offer lux­u­ri­ous com­pan­ion­ship to gen­tle­men who seek a fun and excit­ing time with a lovely atten­tive companion..

My TERID: 385662, Review

Age: 35
Hair color: Brunet
Height: 57
Eyes color: Brown
Weight: 130 lbs


12 hours incall only

250 roses

1 hours incall only

400 roses

Email: alma.​olitafriends@​gmail.​com

Email me: alma.​olitafriends@​gmail.​com